Alexa play One in a Million by Aaliyah

"Your love is a one in a million. It goes on and on and on..." Thank you so much to all the people who have shown my company so much love! It's been a week since our official launch. This is honestly the scariest thing I've done. And I feel like I'm flying the plane while I'm making it. I'm new to this, but I'm also true to this. And I will stay true to this because I truly believe that this publishing company is what my community and other communities of color need. From experience, I know that we are not first in line for effective and equitable support. That often leads to many of us flailing in our prospective careers. We often get turned off and pushed away from fields that we could very well thrive in. I really want to make sure that this company is a safe and supportive space for not only my authors, but also anyone I employ under the name One in a Million Publishing.

But let me get off my soapbox for a moment. This publishing company is SUPER NEW but I've already had people reaching out to me about opportunities. I wish I could say YESSSS! COME WORK WITH ME. I just need to figure out how to fit everyone in and how to PAY THEM. Because everyone needs to get paid their worth. With that being said, we're going to be launching a fundraising campaign, starting Wednesday, August 25!

Be on the lookout for more details coming!


Work hard, play slow.


Cheers to a new journey