Fall is coming -- New seasons mean more growth
Yesterday was my sister's birthday. While celebrating another landmark in her life (the big 3-5), I started reflecting on our life journey. Every season has required us to be something new. Someone a little different from who we were in our yesteryears. For me, I knew I didn't want to enter a new decade doing the same things I've always done. I didn't want to go through this new phase in life being stagnant, not growing or pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. In so many ways, I've grown into myself and I've learned to advocate for me. I've come to learn that I am my biggest advocate and protector. The safest I've felt is when I've taken the time to commune with myself. I hold space for me to break, to piece myself back together, DREAM BIG, and try hard. From this place of understanding came One in A Million Publishing. It's my baby. My wildest dreams come to life. The saying "I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit" has never rang truer. For me, this venture is make or break. It absolutely has to work. A thousand percent.
With this understanding comes A LOT of pressure. I am constantly thinking about how I can make this a little better than it was before. I think about what I can do to make people a little more engaged in the process. Show them a little bit more of the work --- where I am, and the products they will have access to later on this year. I am tough on myself because I want this to be great. I want people to feel as much a part of the process as I am. But, I also don't want to give away too much. This has been such a private process until now. Honestly, I didn't know how well ONAMP would be received. The growth I have seen in the past 2.5 weeks has been amazing. I'm surprised. Happy. Excited. Bursting at the seems.
We'll see where this takes me. Where this takes us. Cheers to a new year. One more revolution around the sun. Be on the lookout for the ONAMP book club. Headed your way in late September!